Whats on my heart today is the sense of being lost. I'm not talking about the popular TV show (which I've never seen). No, I'm talking about that "empty inside" feeling. You know the one...we've all been there in one way or another. It's that sense that life is falling apart; that even though you have friends, you are alone. Maybe you have money problems, marriage/relationship problems, screaming kids, a lousy job...or no job. Whatever life's circumstances, you just can't seem to find peace. That's being lost.
I've been there. I spent many years of my life in that empty place and I know that its not a place of peace. I even came to the point of suicide, but thankfully was rescued before that happened.
Are you lost and empty?
Here's what I learned, and how I became found and full. First...there is no substitute for quality relationships...friends, family, spouse...every relationship in your life. You MUST insist on only maintaining those with people who are positive, solid, giving personalities. This means making some hard decisions and taking action. Even family members may need to be put on the back burner if they are toxic. Second...you must find someone who is capable of loving you in SPITE of who you are, and be willing to trust them completely. Third...its time to be honest with yourself and with others. You cannot find peace in dishonesty of any kind. Finally, and most importantly, you cannot find peace without faith.
God is waiting for you. The really cool thing about Him is that he doesn't care what you done, where you've been, what you've said...He just loves you and wants you to come home to Him. He sacrificed his own son to be brutally murdered so YOU have the opportunity to be His. If you think faith is a bunch of rules and regs you don't want to be a part of, you are missing the point, and you're missing out. FAITH, unlike religion, is about relationships and freedom...and PEACE.
Now...I don't know who needs this blog to chew on, but it seems someone always does. If you know me, read this, and find it's talking to you and you want to begin a new path (or go back to an old one) toward peace, I'd love to help you find it. Jesus died to save you . If you're good enough for Jesus, you're good enough for me. Trust...be honest...you may be lost, but you can be found. The old church song says it all; Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.
Blessings...and Peace
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Til Death Do You Part
This blog is about marriage, as you would probably guess from the title. Now, there are a lot of so-called marriage experts out there...but I'm not one of them. I do, however, feel highly qualified to comment. You see, I've done it very very very wrong...and I've done it very very very VERY right! So, having been from hell to heaven in marriage relationships, I offer the following observations.
First...I'd throw out all the psycho-babble mumbo-jumbo that is so popular in our society. Fair fighting, "boundry" rules (I can't tell you how much I HATE all that boundry talk)...none of that stuff is useful as far as I'm concerned.
Second...if you don't get anything else I say, be sure to hang on to this...Marriage is NOT 50-50 like society tells us. Simple math. Multiply 1/2 time 1/2 and you don't get a whole...you get a quarter. Marriage should be 100-100. If each of you always put your spouse first, you will always meet in the middle. This is the single most inportant secret that has allowed me and my bride of almost 9 years to have never had a fight. Thats right...not one single arguement since the day we met. You must be willing to assume that your mate always means well...even if he puts his foot in his mouth. When that happens, don't get angry and attack...look him lovingly in the eyes and say "I don't think that came out the way you intended it...wanna try that again?"
You see...conflict of any kind in any relationship is about selfishness. You can analyze to death a persons history and why they have low self-esteem, etc..., but it still boils down to selfishness. By the way...selfishness is the root of not only conflict...but of all sin. You MUST be willing to be selfLESS...thus the 100-100 rule.
Third, you must have shared values and shared faith. You can be married to someone who likes different activities, movies, etc... and you can be married to someone who doesn't share your faith (or lack thereof), but it simply won't work. The Bible commands that we not be unequally yoked. Successful marriage requires like minded people.
Finally...and I know this won't be popular with some people...is the subject of authority. The Bible tells us repeatedly that God designed a hierarchy of authority in all of creation...including marriage. Scripture says that the husband is the head of the household, and the wife is to submit to her husband. Now, there is a lot going on here. The husband is the head of the household as Christ is head of the Church. That model requires that the husband leads...by serving his family. He only has the right to be "in charge" when he is serving/leading his family in the way Christ served the Church. As for the ladies...the command to "submit" is not a slavery kind of thing. A scriptural wife is a partner to her husband in all ways, and under his SCRIPTURAL leadership, she respects and cooperates with her husband's leadership.
So...in summary...throw out society's psycho-babble, be equally yoked, use the 100-100 rule to meet in the middle, assume scriptural marriage roles appropriately. This is a simple (not easy) formula. To be sure, there are lots of layers and details that factor into day-to-day life, but without these foundations, nothing else will work.
Blessings to you all.
First...I'd throw out all the psycho-babble mumbo-jumbo that is so popular in our society. Fair fighting, "boundry" rules (I can't tell you how much I HATE all that boundry talk)...none of that stuff is useful as far as I'm concerned.
Second...if you don't get anything else I say, be sure to hang on to this...Marriage is NOT 50-50 like society tells us. Simple math. Multiply 1/2 time 1/2 and you don't get a whole...you get a quarter. Marriage should be 100-100. If each of you always put your spouse first, you will always meet in the middle. This is the single most inportant secret that has allowed me and my bride of almost 9 years to have never had a fight. Thats right...not one single arguement since the day we met. You must be willing to assume that your mate always means well...even if he puts his foot in his mouth. When that happens, don't get angry and attack...look him lovingly in the eyes and say "I don't think that came out the way you intended it...wanna try that again?"
You see...conflict of any kind in any relationship is about selfishness. You can analyze to death a persons history and why they have low self-esteem, etc..., but it still boils down to selfishness. By the way...selfishness is the root of not only conflict...but of all sin. You MUST be willing to be selfLESS...thus the 100-100 rule.
Third, you must have shared values and shared faith. You can be married to someone who likes different activities, movies, etc... and you can be married to someone who doesn't share your faith (or lack thereof), but it simply won't work. The Bible commands that we not be unequally yoked. Successful marriage requires like minded people.
Finally...and I know this won't be popular with some people...is the subject of authority. The Bible tells us repeatedly that God designed a hierarchy of authority in all of creation...including marriage. Scripture says that the husband is the head of the household, and the wife is to submit to her husband. Now, there is a lot going on here. The husband is the head of the household as Christ is head of the Church. That model requires that the husband leads...by serving his family. He only has the right to be "in charge" when he is serving/leading his family in the way Christ served the Church. As for the ladies...the command to "submit" is not a slavery kind of thing. A scriptural wife is a partner to her husband in all ways, and under his SCRIPTURAL leadership, she respects and cooperates with her husband's leadership.
So...in summary...throw out society's psycho-babble, be equally yoked, use the 100-100 rule to meet in the middle, assume scriptural marriage roles appropriately. This is a simple (not easy) formula. To be sure, there are lots of layers and details that factor into day-to-day life, but without these foundations, nothing else will work.
Blessings to you all.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Annointing
Well...the day has come. Today, you can't turn on your tv without seeing Barakapalooza...or...Obamastock. Today is the day that Barak Obama is sworn in as President of the United States. For many, it's the day of annointing their new savior. Its a sad day, as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I voted for the other guy, though he wasn't a much better choice. That the other guy didn't win isn't my reason for seeing this as a sad day.
When I look at the politics, what I see is this. Economically, Obama is intent on patterning his policy after FDR. Unfortunately, history tells us that FDR's policies in the great depression didn't end the depression. In fact, they extended it. For todays government to repeat this history will almost certainly extend the current recession, and likely worsen it greatly. Now, the outgoing President did his fair share of helping the economy down the tank. We certainly aren't losing a fiscal conservative with Bush's departure.
My greater sadness, though, has to do with social politics. Obama favors things like abortion, elimintation of "don't ask, don't tell", the further devaluing of the tradional family...things that directly oppose the will of God and his commands for mankind. Of course, like many presidents before him with similar views, we had plenty of news coverage about the all-important choosing of a church to attend in DC. Doesn't quite connect in my mind...anti-God while choosing a church.
Even sadder to me is the "annointing" that seems to be coming from...the church. Yes, we continually see on tv the churches that are celebrating Obama's election because he's black, all the while ignoring his political views. I don't get it. Sure, electing a black man president is a first, but he's just a man. So what. I'm offended by those in the church that are willing to put aside God's direction, and celebrate a man simply because of the color of his skin. How DARE the church shove God aside like that.
We'll all survive this. We need to be praying for Obama's safety. Our nation can survive his presidency and anti-God policies...I'm not sure we can survive the race-riots if anything happens to him. Pray for him, his staff/cabinet, the lawmakers. This is God's direction to us...to pray for our leaders. And my challenge...if you are one of the people annointing Obama just because he's black, for heavens sake...put aside the racism of that decision and focus on God's direction for us rather than a man's.
Blessings to all.
When I look at the politics, what I see is this. Economically, Obama is intent on patterning his policy after FDR. Unfortunately, history tells us that FDR's policies in the great depression didn't end the depression. In fact, they extended it. For todays government to repeat this history will almost certainly extend the current recession, and likely worsen it greatly. Now, the outgoing President did his fair share of helping the economy down the tank. We certainly aren't losing a fiscal conservative with Bush's departure.
My greater sadness, though, has to do with social politics. Obama favors things like abortion, elimintation of "don't ask, don't tell", the further devaluing of the tradional family...things that directly oppose the will of God and his commands for mankind. Of course, like many presidents before him with similar views, we had plenty of news coverage about the all-important choosing of a church to attend in DC. Doesn't quite connect in my mind...anti-God while choosing a church.
Even sadder to me is the "annointing" that seems to be coming from...the church. Yes, we continually see on tv the churches that are celebrating Obama's election because he's black, all the while ignoring his political views. I don't get it. Sure, electing a black man president is a first, but he's just a man. So what. I'm offended by those in the church that are willing to put aside God's direction, and celebrate a man simply because of the color of his skin. How DARE the church shove God aside like that.
We'll all survive this. We need to be praying for Obama's safety. Our nation can survive his presidency and anti-God policies...I'm not sure we can survive the race-riots if anything happens to him. Pray for him, his staff/cabinet, the lawmakers. This is God's direction to us...to pray for our leaders. And my challenge...if you are one of the people annointing Obama just because he's black, for heavens sake...put aside the racism of that decision and focus on God's direction for us rather than a man's.
Blessings to all.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Wading Through the Muck
Praise be to the most merciful, gracious God who loves and saves us. Everything else pales in comparison to this great love and grace.
I wanted to start this post with a praise and some focus on the most important thing in life...a relationship to the Creator and Savior. The reason is that sometimes we have to wade through the muck and mire of life and its very easy to forget what matters. Sometimes people let you down. Sometimes commitments are made, but not honored. Sometimes people will break your heart, or just walk away. People, by their nature, are self-centered and think first of themselves. This is natural in a way...it is a function of a sinful nature. This doesn't make it any easier to stomach, however, when others let you down...and they will.
Look around you. Check your facebook or myspace friends list. There are people on those lists that you would trust with your life who are worthy of that trust, and some who will betray you. Never...NEVER let the fear of betrayal stop you from loving people. When someone hurts you...and someone will...find a way to forgive and move on. After all...your relationship to God and to everyone else around you remains and is far more important than the betrayal of one. To let resentment eat away from the inside will damage more relationships and put a barrier between you and The One who loves you most.
People make commitments and promises, and people will break them. To be sure, we all have the right to expect, even insist, that those around us honor their commitments. As believers, there exists even greater responsiblity for acting with integrity in all our dealings. Unfortunately, believers will let you down too. We must find a way to forgive those who fail us. After all, we have all failed others and desire the same forgiveness be offered to us.
My challenge to us all is this: First, honor your commitments...don't let your brothers and sisters down. Second, when you are betrayed, ask God to help you forgive and find a positive path. Third, if you are the betrayer, ask forgiveness of those you've hurt and do whatever it takes to fulfill your obligations to others.
I realize this is rambling and very general. The generality is because there are hundreds of possible applications. My guess is that you are thinking of at least one person and one situation as you read this that has hurt you...or at least one you have hurt. Please, please, PLEASE put the hurt and resentment behind and praise God for all the wonderful things in your life...and pray for the one(s) who have hurt you. They need God's love and guidance so very much...ask Him to provide it.
Blessings, my friends.
I wanted to start this post with a praise and some focus on the most important thing in life...a relationship to the Creator and Savior. The reason is that sometimes we have to wade through the muck and mire of life and its very easy to forget what matters. Sometimes people let you down. Sometimes commitments are made, but not honored. Sometimes people will break your heart, or just walk away. People, by their nature, are self-centered and think first of themselves. This is natural in a way...it is a function of a sinful nature. This doesn't make it any easier to stomach, however, when others let you down...and they will.
Look around you. Check your facebook or myspace friends list. There are people on those lists that you would trust with your life who are worthy of that trust, and some who will betray you. Never...NEVER let the fear of betrayal stop you from loving people. When someone hurts you...and someone will...find a way to forgive and move on. After all...your relationship to God and to everyone else around you remains and is far more important than the betrayal of one. To let resentment eat away from the inside will damage more relationships and put a barrier between you and The One who loves you most.
People make commitments and promises, and people will break them. To be sure, we all have the right to expect, even insist, that those around us honor their commitments. As believers, there exists even greater responsiblity for acting with integrity in all our dealings. Unfortunately, believers will let you down too. We must find a way to forgive those who fail us. After all, we have all failed others and desire the same forgiveness be offered to us.
My challenge to us all is this: First, honor your commitments...don't let your brothers and sisters down. Second, when you are betrayed, ask God to help you forgive and find a positive path. Third, if you are the betrayer, ask forgiveness of those you've hurt and do whatever it takes to fulfill your obligations to others.
I realize this is rambling and very general. The generality is because there are hundreds of possible applications. My guess is that you are thinking of at least one person and one situation as you read this that has hurt you...or at least one you have hurt. Please, please, PLEASE put the hurt and resentment behind and praise God for all the wonderful things in your life...and pray for the one(s) who have hurt you. They need God's love and guidance so very much...ask Him to provide it.
Blessings, my friends.
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Year Gratitude
Happy New Year!!! Have you all made New Years Resolutions? Have you broken any yet? Making New Years Resolutions are a tradition we all seem to loathe, yet we all seem to do it year in and year out. I decided that this year, I want to make some New Years Gratitudes and focus first on what I'm thankful for, and THEN consider what I want to change.
I'm thankful for the saving grace of Jesus, and that I can know...beyond the shadow of any doubt...that my eternity will be in paradise (no need to pack those asbestos underwear where I'm headed. Do you need some? Just askin...might want to think about that)
I'm thankful to be married to an Angel...a lady I've never had a fight or argument with. THAT is a blessing. We work together...do everything together pretty much 24/7 and I couldn't imagine life being better than living that way. I love you MOST Jen. God has blessed us greatly with each other.
I'm blessed with 2 beautiful, grown daughters who have both married men who love and adore them. What a gift to not have to wonder if some jerk is going to mistreat my little girl. Also...the world's most adorable granddaughter...have I mentioned her??? If you know me well, you are likely sick of the reminders and photos. Hey...what's a proud grandpa to do??
I'm blessed with a business that allows us to pay the bills as well as allowing us the flexibility to do a little service work here and there...and we don't have to fight the traffic in rush hour as we are able to work from home offices.
I was/am blessed with parents who took me to church every Sunday, who tried to steer me the right directions even when I ignored them, and who were always standing by to help pick up the pieces...and just loved me anyway. A pretty great picture of the heavenly Father's love if you ask me.
I'm blessed with some pretty good in-laws. It's awesome to have in-laws that are some of your very best friends. Ed and Diane...you are a blessing to me, and I can't begin to express my gratitude for the great job you did raising that oldest daughter of yours!
I'm blessed to have many great friends in a wonderful church. I couldn't/wouldn't/shouldn't try to list everyone because I know I'd leave some out, but you guys know who you are. My fellow praise team/choir members, our leadership, SS class...the entire congregation...you are ALL a huge blessing, and you continue to teach me how to be a better friend, servant, minister...a better person...just by being around you all. Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives.
This barely scratches the surface of the things and people I'm grateful for. Now...I guess it's time to start thinking about what I need to resolve to change this year. sigh.
Blessings to you all.
I'm thankful for the saving grace of Jesus, and that I can know...beyond the shadow of any doubt...that my eternity will be in paradise (no need to pack those asbestos underwear where I'm headed. Do you need some? Just askin...might want to think about that)
I'm thankful to be married to an Angel...a lady I've never had a fight or argument with. THAT is a blessing. We work together...do everything together pretty much 24/7 and I couldn't imagine life being better than living that way. I love you MOST Jen. God has blessed us greatly with each other.
I'm blessed with 2 beautiful, grown daughters who have both married men who love and adore them. What a gift to not have to wonder if some jerk is going to mistreat my little girl. Also...the world's most adorable granddaughter...have I mentioned her??? If you know me well, you are likely sick of the reminders and photos. Hey...what's a proud grandpa to do??
I'm blessed with a business that allows us to pay the bills as well as allowing us the flexibility to do a little service work here and there...and we don't have to fight the traffic in rush hour as we are able to work from home offices.
I was/am blessed with parents who took me to church every Sunday, who tried to steer me the right directions even when I ignored them, and who were always standing by to help pick up the pieces...and just loved me anyway. A pretty great picture of the heavenly Father's love if you ask me.
I'm blessed with some pretty good in-laws. It's awesome to have in-laws that are some of your very best friends. Ed and Diane...you are a blessing to me, and I can't begin to express my gratitude for the great job you did raising that oldest daughter of yours!
I'm blessed to have many great friends in a wonderful church. I couldn't/wouldn't/shouldn't try to list everyone because I know I'd leave some out, but you guys know who you are. My fellow praise team/choir members, our leadership, SS class...the entire congregation...you are ALL a huge blessing, and you continue to teach me how to be a better friend, servant, minister...a better person...just by being around you all. Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives.
This barely scratches the surface of the things and people I'm grateful for. Now...I guess it's time to start thinking about what I need to resolve to change this year. sigh.
Blessings to you all.
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