Saturday, December 20, 2008

Consistency (Part One-Maybe)

One thing that seems to be lacking in the world today...particularly in the consistency. When I look at the actions and opinions of many in the Church in comparison to the principles and specific directions found in scripture, I often find myself scratching my head. Now, none of us are perfect by any means. We all...especially me...sin and mess up every single day. What I'm talking about here is the flagrant inconsistency in ones actions...a conscious decision in many cases to separate life from faith.
One really obvious area of inconsistency we see is in politics. I am always amazed to see or hear about a person of faith...a Christian...who holds opinions that are in opposition to their faith. Very often, this is someone who identifies themselves as "Democrat" or "Liberal". However, there are many who consider themselves "Conservative" who are equally inconsistent. I realize I'll be using some broad brushes here, but bear with me if you will.
In general, a politically liberal agenda includes support of abortion. It is completely accepting of a "if it feels good, do it" mentality by negating the sanctity of marriage and with the open acceptance of homosexuality, cohabitation, promiscuous sex, and the like.
Scripture is clear regarding sanctity of life and sexual abstinence except within the confines of marriage...which is clearly defined as the union of one man and one woman. In these most basic areas, then, to be a social liberal (currently associated primarily with "Democrat"), one must necessarily maintain beliefs in direct opposition to God.
We could discuss economic ideology along the same lines. Liberal economics very often include the idea of higher taxes, more spending, and larger government controlling welfare and other programs. These ideas are geared toward governmental control of larger populations under the guise of providing "help", or "support" to the poor. Isn't care for the poor more a task for the Church than for the government? can argue that if the Church were effective in this area the government wouldn't have to do it. Perhaps that's true...but until the government reduces its size and consequently its need to be fed massive amounts of cash (removing it from the pockets of the people), there isn't much opportunity for the Church to step up.
Alarmingly, more and more people who identify themselves as "Conservative" are exhibiting many of these same values...or at least an apathy or passive acceptance of them. It's very sad that, very often today, the Church doesn't share God's ideas and values.
What does this inconsistency look like in every day life? Obviously, the candidates in an election that a believer supports can reveal tremendous inconsistency. It can be seen on Facebook or Myspace sites in the groups joined, or just in the language used. It is apparent in day to day life in the choices made and how activities are prioritized. Statistics of the numbers of instances of adultery, unwed pregnancy, pornography use, etc... in the Church reveal inconsistency vividly.
Now...I don't pretend to never exhibit any inconsistency. It is an area, though, that I pay very close attention to. If, as a child of the Living God, I want my life to reflect Him when others look at me, I must be as consistent with God's view as humanly possible. To place my opinions above His is to elevate myself above God. I urge all believers to examine themselves and reconcile themselves to God's ideology in any area found to be in opposition. This is being a follower of God.
Blessings to you all,

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Big Dream

So...I want to tell you a story if you will indulge me for a moment or two. It's the story of a dream...and of the Dream Giver.

For many years, I've had a desire to do something musically, and as my faith continued to grow and mature, the desire was certainly focused on Christian music. about 3 years back while leading a small group in our home, the topic of using your gifts and talents to serve God kept coming up. While my fellow small group members regularly urged me (it was nagging, really) that I had some musical talent, I continually backpedaled from that. You see, I believed then (and still do) that my talent is mediocre. Why would God want mediocre when He's gifted sooooo many so incredibly (don't you just want to smack Steven Curtis Chapman some times for all the talent HE got?).

Well...after much prodding, nagging...and prayer, I finally gave in. I said "God...I don't know what you want to try to do with this meager offering, but here it is". I gave the dream over to the Dream Giver.

Well...He got busy. First, the idea for the Bud 'n Bubba musical comedy act was born, so I got busy writing a few songs for them (that are CERTAIN to be classics someday). I thought "this is great...silliness with a message about Christ...this is perfect. God's gonna make this big". I was also called on at the church I was attending at the time to begin to be the fill-in worship leader. After a time or two of doing that, it was clear to me that this was NOT what God wanted me to do with certainly was not what I wanted to do.

Well...God has a sense of humor. About a year and a half ago, it was time to move on to another church in the area. We felt led to a certain place...a place that had just had a minister removed along with his wife and daughter who were the worship leaders. This place had a need. They had a group of people who stepped up and stepped in to fill the gap to lead worship temporarily (praise God for willing servants), but they were on the lookout for someone to step in and lead that ministry regularly. Now remember...I had already declared that Worship Leader was NOT what God called me to do.

I was wrong, apparently. God plugged Jen and me in at that place and has had us there serving week in and week out for over a year now. The team has grown to include a full band and several rotating singers and our congregation seems to be very pleased. Now...I don't have much musical training. I can read music a bit, understand harmony a little...that kind of thing. So, what did I do with this lack of training? I started a choir I don't know how to direct.

Tomorrow, our Peachcrest Christian Church adult choir has it's debut with a mini-musical for Christmas during the Worship service. I'm very proud of this group. These men and women have given up a good deal of time on Sunday afternoons for several weeks to muddle through with a choir director who doesn't know how to direct a choir. They're doing so well and I'm so very thankful for them.

What they don't know is that they have been pulled in to what the Dream Giver is doing with my dream. Only because God said so would I have taken this on. So far out of my comfort zone is this Choir thing that it has to be God directing it. The members of our PCC choir are being used by God as part of the way he's using me and causing my meager little talent to be multiplied and poured out. It's a very humbling thing to see...and more so to be a part of.

Perhaps I'll share this with the Choir tomorrow. Perhaps they should know they are a blessing...and that God is using them as a part of the dream God is fulfilling...not for me, but through me for His Glory and for His people's sake.

May God be praised and His will be done.

Thank you to: Jen, Patti, Scott, Tim, Donna, Adam, Jeff S, Debbie, Jeff W, Ed, Russ, David, Phyllis, Cash, Kristy, Paulina, Brandon. You are all a blessing to me and obedient servants to the Most High God.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The right to choose

Today on tv I was hearing a debate within which a war of words broke out. The person with the pro-life position kept saying "abortion", and the person supporting the pro-abortion position repeatedly interrupted to replace the term "abortion" with the term "family planning".

Let me just say here that abortion and family planning are 2 different things...they are not interchangeable terms.

Abortion=murder of a child
Family Planning=informed birth control techniques practiced willingly by a married couple

Now...I support a woman's right to choose. some of you who know me are trying to pick your jaws up off the floor at that statement. Before you get too far beside yourself, let me explain.

First...the Bible has ordained that sex is only appropriate within the confines of marriage. (Marriage, by the way, is between a man and a woman...not 2 of the same gender) In fact, in 1 Corinthians 7 the Bible pretty much requires a married couple to have sex...5 Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. begins at conception. Psalm 51:5 says...Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. David knew life began at conception, surely we are clear on this truth.

Now...I know of no dictate in scripture that requires that sex is for procreation only. In fact, the scripture from 1 Corinthians above seems to give it a greater purpose...avoiding sexual temptation by satan. I don't know of any meaningful, scriptural argument against birth control. I conclude, then, that a woman (and man) has the right to choose. This choice takes place when they marry, when they choose birth control, and when they engage in intercourse. These are the points of choice. If pregnancy occurs, it is a child who is a gift from God and should be seen as such.

As an added note...I haven't found anything in scripture that says "if a woman is raped, is a victim of incest, or her life is in danger by having a baby, then the baby is not actually a child so it's not murder to kill it". That's right...the big 3 hold no water...they are a feel-good cop-out.

So...what about the unmarried woman having sex...should she have the "right to choose"? NO! If you are not married and you are having sex, STOP IT!!! You have no right to have sex if you are not married. Sex outside of marriage is sin. Your right to choose has nothing to do with a is about choosing to have sex in the first place. That's where your right to choose begins and ends. Don't want to get pregnant? Keep your clothes on. Once they come off, your choice has been made.

Now that I've ranted and sounded all legalistic and judgemental, let me offer some grace...the good news. The truth of God, not condemnation, is my mission. If you find yourself currently, or at any point in your life on the wrong side of God's position on Marriage or sanctity of life, ask Him for direction and for forgiveness. This is the really great thing about God...he wants to forgive us...he wants us to come to Him no matter how sinful, dirty, or stained. He wants it so desperately he allowed His own son to be brutally murdered so we can be reconciled to Him. He loves us sooooo much...just confess, repent, and allow Him to forgive...and to love you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We The People

We the people have spoken. What concerns me is what the people have said. Last night, the USA elected Barak Obama to be the next President of the United States. It would be dishonest for me to say that I am anything less than horrified. Electing Obama says far more about our nation and it's values than it does about one man.

As I see it, here is what We The People have done:

BO stood before this nation and told us that he wants to raise taxes and increase government spending, increase the size of government, and redistribute wealth-a definition of socialism-and We the People said YES! Lets do it!

BO stood before this nation with a platform of extreme liberalism that will promote abortion, gay rights, gun control, the abolition of the secret ballot. We the People said YES! Great Ideas!

BO has undeniable...and hardly denied...ties to anti-American terrorists. We the People said SO WHAT?

BO and his liberal cronies have pushed though funding of a private, partisan business that has undeniably perpetrated voter fraud for the benefit of Democrats. We the People said OH WELL...

BO and his wife are on record as being openly disrespectful to the symbols of this Country and it's freedom with extreme arrogance. We the People don't care about such things.

BO and his buddies forced private mortgage businesses to give high risk loans to people who can't afford them, then when the financial sector collapsed, the same people denied doing so and forced a "bailout" package that We the People have to fund with higher taxes. Government forced itself into private business, caused failure, then forced We the People to pay for a rescue...and We the People said Thank You!

We the people are worried about terrorism. BO is on record with the intention of pulling out of Iraq before the job is done, cutting defense funding, and intending to try to be friendly with the nations that want Americans dead and this nation destroyed...with no intention of holding up military power as a tool. And We the People said lets elect THIS GUY!

Whats really frightening is that poll after poll indicate that We the People are concerned about taxes going up. We the People, by a significant majority, oppose the bailout. We the People, by a simple majority, think BO is far too liberal and don't think BO has enough experience to be President...and We the People responded by giving BO the keys to the single most powerful office in the world.

We the People have either reached an unprecedented level of ignorance, or worse...We the People actually want to be come a far left liberal, poor, socialistic society.

I pray for this nation, it's leaders, and it's people. Only God can rescue and save. Thankfully, my hope, trust, treasure, and my home is not in this world, and no matter what happens here, my future is secure. It will be a bumpy ride down here regardless.