Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We The People

We the people have spoken. What concerns me is what the people have said. Last night, the USA elected Barak Obama to be the next President of the United States. It would be dishonest for me to say that I am anything less than horrified. Electing Obama says far more about our nation and it's values than it does about one man.

As I see it, here is what We The People have done:

BO stood before this nation and told us that he wants to raise taxes and increase government spending, increase the size of government, and redistribute wealth-a definition of socialism-and We the People said YES! Lets do it!

BO stood before this nation with a platform of extreme liberalism that will promote abortion, gay rights, gun control, the abolition of the secret ballot. We the People said YES! Great Ideas!

BO has undeniable...and hardly denied...ties to anti-American terrorists. We the People said SO WHAT?

BO and his liberal cronies have pushed though funding of a private, partisan business that has undeniably perpetrated voter fraud for the benefit of Democrats. We the People said OH WELL...

BO and his wife are on record as being openly disrespectful to the symbols of this Country and it's freedom with extreme arrogance. We the People don't care about such things.

BO and his buddies forced private mortgage businesses to give high risk loans to people who can't afford them, then when the financial sector collapsed, the same people denied doing so and forced a "bailout" package that We the People have to fund with higher taxes. Government forced itself into private business, caused failure, then forced We the People to pay for a rescue...and We the People said Thank You!

We the people are worried about terrorism. BO is on record with the intention of pulling out of Iraq before the job is done, cutting defense funding, and intending to try to be friendly with the nations that want Americans dead and this nation destroyed...with no intention of holding up military power as a tool. And We the People said lets elect THIS GUY!

Whats really frightening is that poll after poll indicate that We the People are concerned about taxes going up. We the People, by a significant majority, oppose the bailout. We the People, by a simple majority, think BO is far too liberal and don't think BO has enough experience to be President...and We the People responded by giving BO the keys to the single most powerful office in the world.

We the People have either reached an unprecedented level of ignorance, or worse...We the People actually want to be come a far left liberal, poor, socialistic society.

I pray for this nation, it's leaders, and it's people. Only God can rescue and save. Thankfully, my hope, trust, treasure, and my home is not in this world, and no matter what happens here, my future is secure. It will be a bumpy ride down here regardless.

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